
lundi 27 mai 2013

I need to be encouraged for this blog ( I actually made it for publicity of books)

lundi 20 mai 2013

vendredi 17 mai 2013

I want to sleep, I hope you liked what you saw

the range of watering places in Bejaia, Algeria

Arjana Valley Bjeegel - Algeria

Waterfall Kfredh the ببجاية Algeria

Waterfall Kfredh the Bejaia

A waterfall Kfredh in the village of Ait Idriss Tascriot municipality, 50 km east of the state capital

Panel very natural beauty God bestowed on the inhabitants of the region and the religion destination of tourists

Everywhere in the country and even from abroad

Beauty of the Tunisian city of Carthage

River Zgran - Latakia North Country


Gulfoss in Iceland

Etretat - Normandy - France

Hanover Green Gardens - Germany

Flowers Numata Gunma Japan

Farm Tomita, Japan

Beit Jann spring Falls

Beit Jann spring Falls Mount Hermon Syrian village of Beit Jann - Damascus Syria
Beit Jann hand, Syria and town administrative tracking cotton area in the province of Damascus. The town is located southwest of Damascus

Singapore Botanic Gardens - Niles


Ashkakia garden Alabnah

Splendor of the beauty of the beaches of the Seychelles Islands

forests on the border of the states of Bejaia and Tizi Ouzou.

forests on the border of the states of Bejaia and Tizi Ouzou.

Orchid flower

Orchid flower-like from the outside, and monkey face from the inside varied forms some are strongly smile and laugh at the other timidly, and there are not laughing face flower which never grows mostly in Ecuador

Cherry blossoms Lake Sakura, Japan

Falls Elakala in in the Blackwater Valley, West Virginia

Porcupine Mountains Waterfall, Michigan

Runs the length of 300 meters, is characterized by its bright golden sand, blue and clarity of its waters gently caressed by Aleppo pine trees and forests Aldkhalah and beech trees.

lovely island

that exist in britain where?

train in the mountain

for an athletic the best place to train is the mountain

waking early make you smarter!

In the very early morning before the sun rise and the world the Ozone pressure is intense.
And Ozone enhances intelligence.
that's why the ideal time of waking up for geniuos may be 4 o'clock in our summer

mercredi 15 mai 2013

dear and lion

Who run more dear or lion?
Answer is dear I think, but dear keep looking behind until it's caught by lion.
sometimes fear make us behave unreasonbly.
How do you go? 

what in this moment kind of nature describe your feeling more

         بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم      
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله  

ALLAH is our GOD and created all this beautifull world, thanks to ALLAH.
we are free to eat and drink and take rest and work and make activity and work and think if we worship to only ALLAH and what we really need
is to worship to ALLAH.
we are not free to make partners with ALLAH, the most forbidden thing, and make bad things and harm innocent children.
we were created for the wise purpose to worship for ALLAH and  for a Believer , who believe in GOD, all good thing that he make corresponds for Koran and Sunnah is worship if he did it for GOD because ALLAH tell us how to worship for him in the Koran and Sunnah and all good thing is found in the Koran and Sunnah.
GOD don't accept work from people who worship to slaves like them whatever they were.